Monday, November 5, 2007

Myth: Standards Compliance Means Something

Opera fans are fond of pointing out that Opera offers better support for W3 standards than any other browser.

The problem is those precious W3 standards have been pissed on by IE for so long no one gives a damn about them. Web sites are designed for IE, sometimes they're tweaked for less popular browsers like Safari and Firefox. If the resulting code HAPPENS to be standards compliant then the site will work in Opera, but no one takes advantage of Opera's "standards compliance." Who cares if it's the only browser that passed the "Acid Test" when no one ever designs a site that exploits it?

As far as competent web designers are concerned, Opera's wider support for W3 standards is nothing but an obscure feature set that would only be used by, at best, 1% of the web browsing population. Having such minuscule browser share means there's NO Return On Investment in supporting it.

If a site works in Opera, its an accident, not by design.

UPDATE: Opera no longer passes the Acid 2 test. Here's a sample image of what Opera 9.5 does when presented with the Acid 2 test page:

Notice that the top of the smiley face is chopped off.

So much for Opera standards compliance.

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